Personalized services
We handle everything
Paid programs guaranteed
Placement possibilities throughout Europe
Accredited programs

The Process

Stage-Euro takes care of the entire process of an internship/traineeship placement in Europe. Stage-Euro’s process is as follows:

  1. Registration: You start by registering online through the form on our website, without obligation and free of charge
  2. First contact: A Stage-Euro representative will personally get in contact with you. Then, you make an appointment for an online intake.
  3. Intake: During the intake, we discuss your internship needs and explain the Stage-Euro process. We want to gain an impression of you and your personal motivation.
  4. Selection: Based on the intake, we will inform you if we can start up a program.  In some cases, we may decide on an additional interview in English. 
  5. Program Agreement/Deposit: Based on the interview, a program agreement is drawn up. This agreement is an overview of the program. You will be invited to sign this in order to complete the registration. You will then receive an invoice for the deposit of $500.  This amount will be deducted from your total program fee later on in the process. 
  6. Collecting documents: Once the deposit has been paid, we can begin working on your resume and motivation letter. We will send you examples of the European standard for these documents and provide feedback in order for you to meet the requirements. One of our representatives will guide you through this entire process.
  7. Placement: During this period, we will introduce you to several companies in Europe that suit your needs. We will keep you informed of the process until a possible match is found. Once we receive a positive response from a company, we will inform you of the details of the internship.
  8. Coaching session: Once a company is found, we will schedule an online interview. Before this interview, you will have a coaching session with our Program Coordinator to prepare you  what to expect during the interview and rehearsing certain questions you may be asked.
  9. Interview: At this point you will interview with your potential internship company. You can ask any questions you may have about the internship and the company. Based on the interview, both you and the company can decide if there is a match.
  10. Contracts and Payment: Once you are hired, the contracts are signed, and we will invoice you for the remaining program fee. 
  11. Housing: Approximately 2 weeks before your departure, we will assist in finding your housing accommodation. You will be provided with a housing guide for the location you are going to intern. Based on this document you can make your housing arrangements. 
  12. Flight: The last step is to book your flight.